Tuesday, January 19, 2016

TWD: "Baking with Julia" - Caramel Apple Babas


Definition: Babas are little sweet yeast egg bread pastries, often made with currants and rum soaked raisins, then they are soaked in rum syrup and then filled with whipped cream. 
Well, these are new to me and my crew. I have had savarin before and it was not my favorite style of dessert. Also after reading the recipe and watching Julia's video show... I have some reservations. We are not drinkers, so I have no rum and I don't have the molds to bake them in either. After doing a little more research on the internet I saw a lot of photos of them being round, similar to a small cake or doughnut.
       So we gave them a try... We gave ours a little twist and make ours Caramel Apple. They have both diced apple and caramel on the inside and the outside. We soaked ours in a Caramel Syrup. Then
served them with ice cream and more caramel and apple slices.



  1. great twist-- that sounds like a delicious way to serve babas!!

  2. I like the the caramel apple idea!
