Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Wordless Wednesday .... Burdock Root!

I love learning about new foods and to see what creative things people do with them, so we thought it would be fun to play a little game called "Wordless Wednesday's". Where we post a picture of a new ingredient that we have came acrossed during the past week. The challenge to everyone will be.... The first person to comment and tell us the correct name of the ingredient and answer the following questions below will win a "Pantry Prize"! (I will post the winner and answers by 10:00 pm)

(Here is your first photo...  Hint: It was one of the ingredients that was featured on "Chopped" )

What is it?.........................
Burdock Root
Where does it grow?......... 
North America (except in the deep south)
How do you prepare it?....  
Scrub with a scrub brush, do not peel. Slice and then boil like Artichokes
What does it taste like?.....  
Tastes a like like Artichokes
Have you ever tried it?......
No, We have not yet!
What recipe would you suggest using this mystery Ingredient?.....
Most often it is suggested that it be boiled and eaten like cooked carrots or artichokes. I think I would prepare it just like I would  mashed potatoes and enjoy it with a little butter or gravy.

As a side note: Traditionally, burdock has been used as a remedy for measles, arthritis, tonsillitis, viruses like colds, throat pain, and as a diuretic. Historically, the seeds of the burdock plants were compressed to make a mixture that was effective in cleansing the bloodstream, easing pain from arthritis, and treating gout, rheumatism, ulcers, acne, eczema, and psoriasis.

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